Sunday, November 29, 2009

A Heart is the only broken instrument that works.

This poem and blogpost is dedicated to you Avz and in response to ur recent blogpost " A year on.."

A Heart is the only broken instrument that works.

It still beats and pumps and thrills and irks..

You might feel you have fallen in the mucks
It’s the end and your life sucks ; shucks

You can see your whole world crumble
And you can do nothing about it albeit grumble (may be not even that)

Just one person is missing, but its contemplated
That the whole world is strangely depopulated.

Its shattering, clattering, battering,
And then tired of the repetitive bothering...

U decide to collect the pieces, the bits and the parts
But skinned knees are easier to fix than broken hearts...

The battle of mind & heart is an age old combat
Like the battle of sexes since adam and eve first spat

You might want to be alone but avoid being lonely...
Remember your true friends are a phone call away only..

They wont preach wont teach only listen and hear..
To all that you have to say and all that you don’t have to say dear..

Giving up doesn't always mean you are weak; whoa..
Well sometimes it means that you are strong enough to let go

These trying times help you discover your strengths
Help u come closer to God, family and friends...